The “Prospectus”
The Park Prospectus, which is a state-reviewed and approved document filed with Florida’s Division of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR); Camelot Lakes Villages’ Prospectus was initially filed in 1985 as a “project description” for construction of the park. The original Prospectus has been amended many times over the years; changes are made to keep it consistent with new state laws, to record changes in park ownership and management, and, as a result of negotiations between the park owner and Camelot Lakes Village HOA, the homeowners’ association, to revise the Park Rules.
The Prospectus is managed by the Park owners, who are legally required to submit any proposed changes to DBPR. A CD copy of the Prospectus is available from the park Manager’s office. The Prospectus is available on the Camelot Lakes Village HOA website. Of the 150+ pages of the posted Prospectus file, the vast majority show communications between the Park’s attorney and reviewers at DBPR.
For most homeowners, the crux of the Prospectus is its Appendix 5, entitled “Park Rules and Regulations”, which is an easily readable document that outlines the basic rules of the park, including, but not limited to, certain practices that must be followed by all homeowners, such as pet exercise space, use of recreational facilities and buildings and the park’s guest policy. It also includes standards that the park is bound to uphold, such as frequency of lawn cuttings and the specific hours that the security gate must be manned. Through a membership in Camelot Lakes Village HOA, you can have input into negotiations that may result in beneficial changes to Appendix 5, Park Rules and Regulations. Click on Park Rules and Regulations to view the most current (October 29, 2020) version of the Park Rules and Regulations.
Click here to download & view the most current Prospectus Document